Freitag, Oktober 05, 2007

Motueka, sunny/sonnig, 15 degrees, 05.10.07

Hi guys

Foregive us that we didn't worte in english. our time in NZ is limited and internet acsess is really expensive. Thats why we decided to put more pics on and write a little bit less.
The last time we wrote in English was from Christchurch and sice then we had an Amazing time. We drove down the rough eastcoast. With its lighthouses, rainforests and the Moreaki Boulders. Shaped like bowls and it looks like somebody dropped them on the beach. The Southcoast of the south island is really beautyful. The braking waves at the rocks are amazing some up to 15 meters high. The we moved on to te Anau were we stayed a couple of days. We walk a part of the Keppler track. It was really beautyful and you could saw some sceneries from L.O.T.R. At the other side of Te Anau (over the lake Te Anau) starts the big Fjordland national park. An amazing wild nature and it is a part of the wolrd heritage fund. From te Anau we drove to Milford Sound and stayed overnight. In the morning we did a Cruise around the Sound. An had a amazing few of the Mountains 9who go straight in the water) and we saw a lot of dolphins (they swam so near to the boat you nearly could touch them), seals, pinguins, sea lions. One of the best parts of our trip. Then we drove over Queenstown to Glenorchy. We had our lunch at the big lake wakatipu and luckyly we met Fredo and Evelin (who we met during the time we sold our car in Sydney). We decided to go a part of the Routburn track together. We had so much fun together. it was reall nice to met them. We split up in Queenstown cause they were going south and we were going north. So we drove to Wanaka that day with its beautyful lake. ON the next morning we moved on on the way to the westcoast to the Glaciers (Fox and Franz Josef). We handt so much luck with the weather so we saw the glaciers in rain. But still they were beautyful. Afterwards we moved in the next days up to Motueka (near the Abel tasman national park in the north of the south island) where we are now, over the Pancake rocks and the blowhole near Punakaki.
Our ferry goes in the next day and then we have a few days on the north island were we hopefully can do the Tongariro Crossing and martin can do his skydive in taupo.

So we wish you a nice day and have fun,

many greets Martin and Anna

Sodele und natuerlich noch n paar worte in deutsch!!

wir sind nun in Motueka angekommen in der naehe des Abel tasman National Parks. Auf dem weg von Queentown ueber wanaka an die westkueste hat sich die landschaft total veraendert. dadurch das an der westkueste meistens regen und ein rauer wind herrscht haben sich die baeume dem wind angepasst und wachsen im 45 grad winkel vom meer weg echt hammer. wieder ganz anders als der Milford Sound. Aufjedenfall ging es weiter die westkueste lang ueber die beiden Gletscher (Fox und franz Josef) wo wir leider regen hatten, den Pancake Rocks (Sehen aus wie viele schichten aus Pfannkuchen) und dem blowhole. ein loch im Fels wo das wasser mit gegantischem druck vom meer durchgedrueckt wird und natuerlich hoch in den Himmel spritzt. bis hier her nach Motueka wo Martin eigentlich Fallschirmspringen wollte aber der wind zu stark war. In den naechsten tagen werden wir n bissle wandern um den Abel Tasman national park rum und uns dann auf den weg richtung nordinsel machen.

Viele liebe gruesse aus dem sueden,

Martin und Anna

Rough westcoast/ Raue westkueste

Souther Alps/ Suedliche Alpen

sunset westcoast/ Sonnenuntergang Westkueste

Routburn track/ Am Routburn Wanderweg

Snowy Mountains/ Schneebedeckte Berge

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